#11441 Eastern Orthodoxy - Michael Lofton

Questions Covered:

12:05 – Is it okay for a Catholic to go to a Byzantine church? Did the office of St. Andrew survive like St. Peter’s line?
18:46 – Would you communion at a Roman Catholic rite? If the Orthodox acknowledge the papacy why are they under another authority?
23:44 – I became Orthodox. What went wrong for the division to happen?
35:03 – How does confession differ in the Catholic Church vs the Eastern Orthodox?
42:50 – Churching of women after birth is a tradition in the Orthodoxy that fell off in Catholicism. Are there other traditions like this that also fell off?
45:32 – How do we keep the conversation positive when conversing with Orthodox friends?
52:13 – Is the Eucharist in the east actually the body and blood of Jesus?

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