#11455 Open Forum - Joe Heschmeyer

Questions Covered:

03:36 – I confessed to a priest that I don’t believe Catholicism to be literal. Can I still consider myself Catholic?
07:15 – I’m entering the Church during Easter. My wife is divorced and said that the best case scenario is if she converts and will become a Poll case. What is that?
13:56 – Revelation says the living and the dead will be judged. How will the dead be judged?
28:18 – If the language of the Jews was Hebrew, then why did Jew start speaking Aramaic? Where did it come from?
31:32 – Who was Jan Hus and why was he put to death?
45:15 – How old was Rebecca when Isaac married her?
50:35 – How does the Church view the authenticity of the relics of the true cross?

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