#11459 Open Forum - Jimmy Akin

Questions Covered:

03:17 – Are there any insights as to when Christ was using His Divine intellect vs. His human intellect or is this a complete mystery or is it incorrect to say Christ was not always using both?
06:38 – I would love to hear you comment on the theology of numbers.
18:58 – If God is the God of all, how can he have a “chosen people”?
21:41 – God gave us the gift of free will. By my understanding, it is the only gift he cannot take back or overrule, otherwise our will would not be truly free. With this in mind, how are we to understand his words in Exodus where he seems to make pharaoh obdurate, as though overriding the free exercise of his will? For example, Exodus 7:3-4: “Yet I will make Pharaoh so headstrong that, despite the many signs and wonders that I work in the land of Egypt, Pharaoh will not listen to you. Therefore, I will lay my hand on Egypt, and with mighty acts of judgment I will bring my armies, my people the Israelites, out of the land of Egypt.”
30:17 – It seems like miracles are less known than they should be. Example- Fatima, St Pio, Beauraing, and others. Do you think the evil one obfuscates the message?
32:51 – Questions from a fellow pipe smoker. What’s your favorite pipe and tobacco?
40:26 – Which is the best government: the United Federation of Planets (from Star Trek) or the United Planets (from Legion of Super-Heroes)?
44:04 – Is there any chance Our Lady of America is coming back from the disapproval of the diocesan bishops?
48:55 – Please discuss the metaphor and actuality of new heavens/new earth. Who (will) live there? The need for a new earth and whether it’s metaphorical has been discussed more than a new heavens. What is wrong with the old heavens?

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