#11460 Open Forum - Jimmy Akin

Questions Covered:

02:50 – A person wants to be baptized but has a family member who insists they were baptized as children, together (at the same time as they are twins). They do not have anyone living who would know and cannot locate records in places they guess it may have occurred. Do they take the steps toward baptism or assume they are?
04:50 – Is the Protestant Canon of Scripture materially sufficient for salvation? If yes, is the Deuterocanon unnecessary? If not, is there information in the Deuterocanon that is needed for salvation?
11:16 – Jimmy I think the biggest crisis in the Church today is the lack of belief in the Eucharist. I’d like to see you speak on the prefigurement of the Eucharist in the Old Testament and the fulfillment in the new. Also, I’d like to see a discussion on the real existence of hell and what many of the saints have said about it plus the testimonies of modern-day exorcists. Thanks.
18:38 – Why does St. Paul refer to levels of Heaven and what might that mean for Christians? Are the levels multiple steps to God?
22:58 – In Matthew 4 and Luke 4:8, why did Jesus tell Peter to “Get behind me Satan”? Why did he call him Satan? Or did he? Thanks, Jimmy!
28:35 – In your podcast episode where you went through the different possibilities of aliens, I didn’t hear you mention the possibility of an alien race that is ahead of humanity in their salvation journey. What are your thoughts on an alien race that is on their New Earth equivalent? I would assume that alien abduction would be immoral and therefore such a race wouldn’t abduct anyone. Would such a race be able to or even want to interact with humans?
33:18 – It would seem that Judas was the first to receive and leave communion in a state of mortal sin at the Last Supper. What might be the implications of Jesus knowing ahead of time that Judas would receive the morsel with murder in his heart?
42:00 – Why can’t I baptize people with Beer since it’s mostly water? Also, can I baptize with tears?
45:20 – My 15-year-old would like to know why God would choose a 13-year-old girl to be the mother of Jesus instead of a fully grown woman.
51:20 – Is it okay to lie in certain situations like if you were hiding Jews, in Germany during World War II?
53:23 – If I suffer Martyrdom with unconfessed sins, even a Mortal one, do I really go straight to heaven or will I still need to spend time in Purgatory?

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