#11464 Open Forum - Fr. Paul Keller O.P.

Questions Covered:

02:21 – Why don’t the Church Fathers use the same passages when defending Church Doctrine?
07:16 – How do you know when the pope is making a statement ex cathedra?
14:33 – Are Catholics allowed to consume or watch combat sports?
19:05 – Why was Zechariah punished and Mary wasn’t for asking a similar question?
23:22 – When did the practice of praying the rosary as call and response begin?
29:43 – My protestant friend is close to becoming Catholic. He doesn’t understand penance. What would penance look like for people Hitler etc?
40:45 – What conditions could I give to a protestant for either of us to convert if those conditions are met?
44:49 – When does the bread become the body of Christ during Mass?
52:26 – If God knows what we’re going to do, do we really have free will?

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