#11467 Open Forum - Jimmy Akin

Questions Covered:

03:16 – Does the original sin of Adam work in a similar way as the infused righteousness of Christ? 
11:29 – What kind of magisterial document does “Fiducia Supplicans” fall into? What kind of sin of intellect and will must Catholics make with documents like that? 
16:57 – When it comes to praying to the saints, how do they come to conclusion of what saints represent which things? 
21:00 – I have been both Methodist and Catholic and am now non-practicing. I miss things from both. Is it possible to make the two come together?  
29:40 – The man on the cross beside Jesus didn’t have time to jump down and become baptized. But Jesus told him TODAY you’ll be with me in paradise. 
32:33 – I’ve heard both Jimmy and Trent talk about the use of nuclear weapons as being not licit. If this is a church standing, does that mean Catholic military members cannot be involved in the operations of nuclear weapons? 
41:35 – Is there any archeological evidence to whether Sodom and Gomorrah was real? 
47:25 – Do two married people have a united nature? Is it a matter of being one nature but two persons? 
51:00 – Is there any info on the human side of Jesus and his disciples? For example, favorite color, how he celebrated birthdays, etc.

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