#11477 Ask Joe Anything - Joe Heschmeyer

Questions Covered:

04:31 – What’s an obscure teaching that more people should know about? I saw something in Denzinger which condemned eating for pleasure. That was odd and not sure what to make of it. 
12:50 – Hey Joe, according to 1 Corinthians 15:51-52 the last generation don’t sleep (die) and are changed instantaneously, in the twinkling of an eye. If the last generation don’t go to purgatory and God can change them instantly then why can’t God change the dead instantaneously without the need for purgatory? Thanks, God Bless 
19:47 – Why did the Church declare an anathema and tie salvation to the belief in the Marian dogmas (in particular the immaculate conception and the assumption)? On the surface, these dogmas don’t seem to have anything to do with the Gospel message that Jesus died for our sins as we can imagine a world where Jesus still defeats death with a Mother who had original sin or was not assumed into heaven. 
29:42 – I would like Joe to answer the “no salvation outside the catholic church” you hear the rad trads say this then on the other side you hear the universalist “everybody goes to heaven” perspective. In my limited study it appears the answer lies in the middle but it’s very complex. 
37:25 – What is wrong with the patriarchal ratification theory of what makes a council ecumenical? 
43:03 – Something I’ve always wondered: What do priests do if they don’t have access to valid matter for the Eucharist? I’m thinking, for example, of explorers like Father Jacques Marquette, traveling for a long time in a strange (to them) country without wheat or wine. Are they just excused from the obligation to celebrate Mass frequently? 
45:21 – How can we find holiness in our ordinary lives? 
50:54 – Hi Joe, where did your awesome blog name come from? 

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