#11478 Ask Joe Anything - Joe Heschmeyer

Questions Covered:

07:22 – What to say to a Protestant who insists that a relationship with Jesus is more important than denominational squabbles. 
18:11 – I would love to hear an explanation of Adam and Eve being the first two people created by God. I’ve had a couple of people (including a newly ordained priest) say that this story is not historical, but that there were two “progenitors” through which we inherited original sin, and that they were “more or less” the first two people. Also, the other person said there was no way that all of the population came from just two people, that they “evolved” from other creatures around the world and “original sin is really just the downfall of man during that time.” 
28:23 – Please explain why Joseph was an older man and how a young Joseph was a latter theological novum 
33:55 – Do we actually know that Yahweh is how the divine name was said or are we just guessing? I know about the tetragrammaton and how the a stood for Adonai and the e stood for Elohim so doesn’t this mean the divine name was something else? I grew up a Jehovah’s Witness, so this is something close to my mind often. Thanks for all you do Joe! You and all the crew at Catholic Answers helped bring me to the Catholic Church! 
37:51 – Was St. Patrick a Baptist? 
44:03 – What would you say to an Orthodox who would make the claim that because the Catholic Church says they have valid sacraments or priesthood that they don’t need the Pope. 
48:55 – Were there any church fathers, say, in the first 150 years, who did not believe in baptismal regeneration? 
51:29 – Does John 10: 22-23 (Jesus being in the Temple during Hanukkah) disprove the Protestant Canon being that Hannukah is only found in 1 & 2 Maccabees? 

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