#11490 Open Forum - Karlo Broussard

Questions Covered:

04:10 – I get a lot of slack for being a Freemason. What’s the problem with it and being Catholic?
12:56 – What are the classifications of relics and what happens when you touch a prayer card up to a relic?
18:16 – What’s the difference in the way Catholics and Orthodox view baptism and original sin?
24:28 – I’m Catholic but I have a lot of questions about the faith. Can I still receive communion if I have doubts?
33:27 – Catholics often appeal to Mary being “full of grace” and being “blessed among women” as reasons to believe in the Immaculate Conception. With that in mind, is it also logical to conclude that John the Baptist is also conceived without sin?
44:33 – Mt.1:25. Joseph did not know his wife until she had Jesus. Does this mean that Joseph and Mary had relations after the birth of Jesus?
48:45 – What’s your advice on how to talk to my Pentecostal family members who are just starting to warm up to Catholicism but can’t let go of that style of worship?

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