#11513 Open Forum - Joe Heschmeyer

Questions Covered:

05:10 – Are the Psalms mandatory like the commandments?
08:05 – Today’s reading. How do I reconcile Mary’s authority over Jesus compared to the wedding of Cana?
19:34 – My wife and I are converts. Even if convalidation of our marriage isn’t necessary could we still do it as a renewal of vows?
29:11 – Could God design the earth with a pre-implemented age into it?
32:53 – Does the covenant with Noah disprove the possibility of an apocalyptic event unless the world is ending?
36:25 – Is there an official definition of anathema? How do we relate it to ecumenical dialogue?
43:59 – My Baptist friend believes that all the early Christian were apostates. How do I respond to this?
49:02 – If the Church is meant to evangelize to the end of the earth how, then do I approach my sibling who is transgender? They’ve influenced my nephew to be transgender and I don’t want my child to be influenced?
52:35 – Why is the Mass so repetitive and robotic?

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