#11539 Tips for Defending the Faith - Trent Horn

Questions Covered:

06:34 – Is it permissible for Catholics to attend a gay wedding reception?
20:08 – How do you reconcile contradictions in the Old Testaments?
28:57 – What forgiveness for abortion is needed? No harm has come to a soul. Souls inhabit at first breath, at inspiration.
31:41 – 2. Cor 5:21. How would you explain, “he who had no sin, became sin?”
37:43 – How do I answer the question, “How can God exist with all the evil in the world?
43:43 – Can a Catholic include the Easter Orthodox Church ever be recognized as another valid denomination?
52:02 – Were 4 of the 7 sacraments instituted by the Church and not by Christ?

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