#11554 Open Forum - Tim Staples
Questions Covered:
02:43 – When my wife comes to Mass, she goes up to receive a blessing from the priest, but when I go to protestant service with her and do not go up for a blessing, she gets mad– how do I reconcile this?
10:59 – If you go to confession and confess 2/3 mortal sins in the confessional but then die, can those 2 confessed sins be used against you in your judgment?
19:44 – If a married priest becomes a widower, can he then become a Bishop?
21:44 – Which Protestant denominations are Calvinist?
29:28 – Why might a church not have a relic in the Altar?
40:58 – Why do Orthodox believe that we believe the Pope is infallible?
45:41 – If Adam and Eve hadn’t sinned, but a descendant sinned, everyone still have original sin?
48:08 – What is the Catholic evidence for Apostolic succession?