#11558 Open Forum - Joe Heschmeyer

Questions Covered:

02:56 – Hebrew 10 says the blood of bulls and goats can’t take away sin. Why then does Leviticus say that it does?
06:00 – I heard that a red heifer was going to be sacrificed in Israel this year for Passover. Is this significant and what is the Church’s opinion of this?
14:44 – I’m in RCIA. I’m getting conflicting information. Who wrote the gospels?
23:17 – I had a seizure and was placed on meds. I started to hear a voice in my head saying I was going straight to hell. Once I started to pray the rosary, the voice immediately went away. What do you make of this?
29:10 – The bible has a lot of reference to demons. Were there a lot more demons during Christ time than ours?
32:34 – How do I understand images and apparitions of pain and suffering? I thought there was no more pain and suffering in heaven?
35:38 – Is there sometimes when more than one rosary is needed in our possession?
40:11 – Why is it that you can EM in one diocese but not another? In the Fatima apparitions it was said that one girl would be in purgatory until the end of time. If we pray for her, can we change that?
44:45 – Regarding Daniel 9:24; is Jesus the new temple?
49:58 – Why doesn’t CA produce books in mass like Matthew Kelly does? I feel like we are missing out.

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