#11559 Grounds for Divorce - Rose Sweet

Questions Covered:

18:26 – If you get married civilly then divorced, are you married in the eyes of the Church?
20:45 – I have a family member who married in the Church and her husband was abusive. She divorced him and now she feels pushed out of the Church. What are her options?
24:14 – Is addiction a valid reason for divorce and annulment?
31:12 – Is divorce illegal in the Church? Is it punishable by sin?
35:12 – My husband divorced me when I became Catholic. I know I can’t remarry but I know some others have. This feels like the Church is inconsistent.
42:21 – Under the circumstances where divorce is allowed, would one still need to confess their divorce?
45:33 – How do I explain to my stepdaughter that an annulment would not affect the legitimacy of her children?
48:55 – I’m on my second marriage. My priest just told me that it’s not valid. What are your thoughts?
52:09 – My sibling received an annulment. She hasn’t gone to confession. Do you think it’s important for her to go?

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