#11594 Open Forum - Karlo Broussard

Questions Covered:

05:01 – How is time experienced in heaven?
09:20 – Where do we get the documentation of the fall of the angels since it’s not in the bible?
15:00 – How can we say Extra Ecclesiam nulla salus but still say the Orthodox are saved?
19:20 – Gal 5:2 says circumcision will be of no value. Will a baby that is circumcised today be of no/less value to Christ?
24:28 – Why are we not born with full grace and still affected by original sin?
35:14 – Why does God test his people if he knows what the outcome will be?
43:37 – Is YHWH the Trinity? Did Christophany happen in the Old Testament; meaning did Jesus appear to people in the Old Testament?
49:59 – My granddaughter is not going to be baptized because my son fell away from the Church? Can the baptism of desire be applied to others apart from the parents?

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