#11596 Open Forum - Karlo Broussard
Questions Covered:
01:43 – What exactly are Catholics bound to follow? letters, encyclicals, ex-cathedra declarations, etc.
06:02 – What exactly is the authority carried by the nihil obstat?
11:57 – If I believe in everything the Church teaches but I also believe in reincarnation and continual revelation. Can I become Catholic?
22:45 – If you have to be in the state of grace to enter heaven, does that mean your last confession is the only one that matters?
31:17 – I’m a convert. How can I go about receiving the spiritual benefits of the eucharist if I have a hard time believing in the real presence?
37:36 – Are there any writings of papal authority being passed on in the early Church?
46:02 – Can you explain the difference between venial and mortal sin?
52:11 – Why can’t you go to confession over the phone?