#11603 Online Open Forum - Jimmy Akin

Questions Covered:

05:15 – I have a photo of an object with an inscription and was wondering what it means ( a client had it on the shelf and I’d never seen it, I take it it is Protestant: Along the top of the block of wood from left to right are painted the names: Paul, Irenaeus, Martin, Columba, Luther, Wesley and Branham. In the center is painted “The Seven Church Ages” and at the bottom is the person’s birthdate. Thank you! 
13:20 – how are we to respond to Pope Francis saying that Priests can bless same-sex unions? Is it reconcilable with our Catholic faith being we were taught it goes against God’s teachings? 
17:38 – What does the Church say regarding the things people find funny? There are some things that we find funny that may be dark, edgy, and slightly irreverent but we have little control over our reflex to laugh or chuckle at such things. If we do find something funny that’s seen as “offensive” from a moral point of view, are we to confess it and try harder in the future to process the bit or joke until we no longer find it amusing? 
24:05 – How does a revert get involved in parish life? 
28:32 – Can you explain kenosis? I keep hearing a certain strain of Christians abuse Philippians 2:7 to suggest Jesus gave up his divinity. Their reasoning is that Jesus had to sacrifice himself as a man in order to atone for humanity. Can you please debunk this? 2 Therefore, if there is any encouragement in Christ, if any consolation of love, if any fellowship of the Spirit, if any affection and compassion, 2 complete my joy, so that ⌊you are in agreement⌋, having the same love, united in spirit, ⌊having one purpose⌋. 3 Do nothing according to selfish ambition or according to empty conceit, but in humility considering one another better than yourselves, 4 each of you not looking out for your own interests⌋, but also each of you for ⌊the interests of others. 
39:06 – I’ve wanted to hear your treatment of the souls of unbaptized children who die before the age of reason. I’ve researched it a fair bit from the 2008 document approved by Pope Benedict, to Servant of God Marcel Van, to alleged quotes by St Bernard of Clairvaux, to other reasons that suggest they go to heaven rather than limbo, but your research & insights would be of interest too. 
 47:31 – Why was there a bowl of wine/vinegar at the cross? It wouldn’t have been for antiseptic or pain-numbing reasons. What was the reason for it? 
49:22 – Have you ever considered doing any Jimmy Akin’s Mysterious World episode on neurodivergence? 
 52:15 – What are the three secrets of Fatima? Why was one of them never revealed to us? 

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