#8525 Kids' Q&A - Brandon Vogt

Questions Covered:

06:58 - How do you explain what a Mass is to someone who has no Christian background?
13:59 - How do you become a saint?
17:01 - How do you go to Heaven?
20:48 - Why do we pray the rosary?
29:24 - Are Jews and Hebrews the same thing?
32:12 - How is the Catholic Church different than the Jewish Church?
36:05 - Were dinosaurs first or adam and eve?
40:50 - Why do we genuflect when we go to church?
43:05 - How do you know when God is calling you to be a priest or deacon?
47:00 - How long does it take to be a saint?
52:05 - I have a classmate who is atheist and she…

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