#11012 The Heart of the Gospel - Fr. Sebastian Walshe
Questions Covered:
11:46 – I was told that the 12-step program is based on the beatitudes. Is this true?
13:58 – The beatitudes start with “happy are those” not “blessed”
18:07 – The beatitude regarding righteousness, How does this apply when wanting to help a parent who doesn’t want to be helped because they don’t see you as someone to correct them?
22:30 – Could you expound on the beatitude “blessed are the peacemakers?”
36:35 – Can you clarify the phrase poor in spirit?
39:16 – To what extent is the term blessed synonymous with happy?
44:19 – Are you familiar with how the beatitudes are depicted on the series The Chosen? If you have, what are your thoughts on it?
49:55 – How does one receive the awareness of being poor in spirit if one lives in a society of comfort and abundance?
53:08 – Is your new book in a good format for a bible study? Does it come with the study guide?