#10999 Open Forum - Jimmy Akin

Open Forum – Questions Covered:

03:29 – Can purgatory be experienced on earth? 
12:08 – When did Jesus realize he was God? 
17:21 – My mother with dementia sometimes goes to mass with us. She’s protestant and sometimes gets confused on receiving communion. How should I approach this? 
21:54 – I go to an Institute of Christ the King parish . I heard the pope was going to ban all Latin masses. Is this true? 
29:03 – Are Adam and Eve symbolic or real people that existed? 
32:12 – The bible says that Jesus could not do miracles in Nazareth. Why does it say that he could not instead choose not to? 
35:57 – What is an indulgence? 
42:24 – I was challenged by a Catholic that the pope can attempt to bind the faithful to heresy. Is this true? 
47:11 – How do we know that Peter was in Rome? 
52:11 – Can an absolving priest make a positive endorsement of the penitent saying that there is no impediment to allowing them to move forward? 

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