#10981 Why Are You Pro-Choice? - Trent Horn

Questions Covered:

10:04 – How would the church feel about a woman that was raped and must share custody with the rapist? Does that make it justified to kill the baby?
17:22 – I’m pro-life but can you explain why IVF is not pro-life? My wife was conceived that way and now that she’s becoming a doctor, I feel that will influence how she deals with IVF and contraception.
24:09 – I think it’s awful but I think women are going to have abortions whether we want them to or not and I want it done in a doctor’s office.
35:20 – I was pro-choice for a long time throughout my 20s and 30s. I then studied Buddhism and they talk in detail about how the soul enters at the time of the union of the sperm and egg. I am now going back to the beginning when I was baptized Catholic and comparing things to find my way
41:22 – I’m pro-life, for babies who survive late term abortions, aren’t they automatically American citizens?
46:52 – When I was younger, I went through two abortions and came to really regret them.
48:30 – I believe that there are times when pregnancies are dangerous for women.

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