#10978 What is Heresy? - Karlo Broussard

Open Forum – Questions Covered:

04:49 – Are there any regulations on a priest cleaning off particles of a consecrated host from his fingers over an unconsecrated chalice? 
09:15 – I’m considering doing a pilgrimage. Do you have any resources or advice?    
15:10 – Have the Church fathers or theologians said anything about why the apostles didn’t recognize Jesus after the resurrection? 
21:48 – Is it ok for me to attend a non-Catholic Christian bible study? 
29:30 – I see a double standard in Catholics accepting saint miracles but rejecting other non-Catholic religious miracles. Can you help me sort it out? 
35:22 – What is the best case for why the Catholic Church should have authority to insist on all of its doctrine? 
46:50 – What is heresy? What is a heretic? Can you be a heretic without knowing it? 
51:22 – What are two good reasons why my evangelical friend should be Catholic and not just Christian? 

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