#10974 Do I Have to be Specific in Confession? - Karlo Broussard

Open Forum – Questions Covered:

02:06 – Can practicing Catholics watch shows that contain some sexual content and explicit language?
12:57 – What is the difference between humility and poverty of spirit?
18:48 – Was papal infallibility ever used before it was defined in Vatican 1?
28:03 – Should I go to a medical provider and pharmacy who provide the abortion pill?
31:30 – My high school priests told us that we didn’t have to be specific about the sins we confessed. I feel like I’m not being honest when I go to confession. What’s your advice?
38:50 – Should we bother with a general confession if Divine Mercy Sunday offers the same effect?
44:30 – I was asked if non-Catholics can go to heaven and didn’t give the best answer. How would I answer this?
48:45 – What are the roots of Latin being used in the Church?

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