#10956 Dropped Calls - Karlo Broussard

Questions Covered:

03:01 – If we are “surrounded by a crowd of witnesses” is it reasonable to believe that our deceased loved ones and the saints are aware of what we are doing and thinking even if we cannot experience their presence? Is it reasonable to believe that my deceased loved ones are in communion with me momentarily through the body of Christ when receiving communion?
16:12 – My brother argues that Jesus was supposed to be the last high priest. Why do Catholics believe that there could be more priests after Jesus?
22:24 – What would it take for you to have a disbelief in a deity
29:23 – Why is there a waiting period for the Church to baptize candidates?
35:49 – We understand that before there was confession, people went to heaven. What changed that we now have to go to confession to get to heaven but people in the Old Testament did not?
41:16 – What is the difference between the Thomistic view of predestination and Calvinistic view? Do you hold a Thomistic view or Molinistic view of free will?
48:42 – How should I talk to a non-Catholic who tries to receive the Eucharist?

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