#10947 Open Forum - Jimmy Akin

Questions Covered:

03:37 – I know Jesus fulfills everything from the Old Testament
15:16 – Based on the fact that neither Mary or Joseph knew they would raise Jesus at first, why would they get married? but it seems that we still use them. Why don’t we use more things and view them as a mystical fulfillment?
19:32 – I’m in RCIA. What is the Catholic definition of Idolatry and opposed to the Protestant view?
23:35 – What’s the correct pronunciation of amen?
29:34 – Why does God allow Satan to exist?
33:51 – To what degree is a prison guard culpable of taking a prisoner’s life who’s on death row?
37:07 – You once said you can’t use Mt. 5 to argue that Jesus is a perfect pacifist, but doesn’t Jesus say to be Perfect like His Father is perfect?
44:23 – I don’t believe in ghosts but what’s the Church teaching on them?

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