#10934 Open Forum - Tim Staples

Questions Covered:

01:28 – Is it heretical to believe that the reason God gives us life is to test our worthiness of heaven?
11:10 – I was approached to be a sponsor for someone who’s going through RCIA but I’m also going to be a godparent to their child. Is it appropriate for me to take on both roles?
14:15 – How do I respond to the claim that Constantine created the Catholic Church?
21:20 – How does the Church deal with killing in general? War, first responders etc.
36:15 – Why couldn’t Isaac give Esau a better blessing?
41:27 – 1 Thes. 4 say Jesus will return and those alive will be taken up. Why do Catholics not believe in a rapture?
49:00 – Jesus claims to be meek and humble of heart but was bold and brave. Is the translation for these terms wrong because he doesn’t act very meek?

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