#10930 Open Forum - Joe Heschmeyer

Questions Covered:

05:25 – How did Judas die?
12:03 – Paul recommends not being married but Genesis says that it’s not good for man to be alone. How do we reconcile this?
18:43 – Why did Jesus come when he came?
23:50 – Did the pope change Church teaching on the death penalty or did he just share his opinion?
32:22 – I attend a monthly service with holy oil. The priest tells after those services that we don’t need to go to confession because of the service. What are your thoughts on that?
36:48 – Are we supposed to raise our hands up during the Our Father?
44:18 – If God wanted all things perfect, why did He create the tree of knowledge of good and evil?
49:23 – Do You know where I could find homilies written by saints?
52:50 – Is it true that women can be priests in the Church now?

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