#10924 Open Forum - Jimmy Akin
Questions Covered:
01:53 – 2. Sam. 24:1 God said to David make a census but the 1st. Chronicles 21:1 Satan entices David to take a census. Who incited David to make the census. Is this a contradiction?
12:18 – If I am in a state of mortal sin and can only get a ride from a friend who only has a provisional license and legally can’t ride with him, am I morally okay to still get a ride with him?
15:23 – How would you refute the Orthodox claim that liturgical abuse in Catholicism is the biggest sign that the Catholic Church is not the one true Church?
21:19 – Is it wrong for me to go to clinic that has some involvement with abortion but seeking non abortion services?
23:57 – I’m an illustrator that has to do a lot of research for references. Some of the things I have to research dives into pagan deities. How do I find the line between my faith and these things that make me feel uncomfortable?
33:41 – Are we only going to see Jesus in heaven or are we also going to see God the Father?
39:00 – I struggle with the idea that fallen away Catholics getting married outside the Church don’t have a valid marriage. How should I approach those marriages? Can I celebrate them?
46:30 – I’m allergic to incense and my pastor just started using it heavily. Where does this leave me in attending mass?