#10917 Open Forum - Jimmy Akin

Questions Covered:

03:31 – Is it ok to purchase a lot of presents to someone to ask for forgiveness? 
06:53 – Are the unborn persons? 
11:47 – Is it possible to avoid going to purgatory? 
19:23 – What level of obedience does one owe to parents, especially as adults? 
29:30 – How would the Church adapt the liturgical calendar if we colonized another planet or the moon? 
34:22 – How do I defend the Marian doctrines if typology is not the best way to defend doctrines in general? 
42:30 – I left the Church over a month ago because I was rejected by the person who I associated my Catholic faith with.  How do I get over rejection? 
49:39 – Why is it that priests always receive communion in both species, but the laity mostly only receive communion through the host? 

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