#10897 Open Forum - Tim Staples

Questions Covered:

11:50 – I’ve always been pro-life, but I’m not sure how to answer people who bring up instances of the woman’s life being in danger or incest.
24:31 – Could you tell me more about the reality of loving Jesus? What does that look like? When I was little I knew Jesus loved me, but there was no love from me because no one told me I was supposed to love him.
36:18 – When Jesus talks about picking up your cross, how would people at the time have understood what that means? And when Paul talks about “scripture,” what is he referring to?
44:32 – What makes a valid marriage? When two atheists marry, is that valid?
52:14 – Someone asked me about the Immaculate Conception of Ruth and it caught me off-guard. Do you know anything about this?

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