#10887 Open Forum - Jimmy Akin

Questions Covered:

04:08 – If St. Paul was incorrect about the timing of the second coming, was he incorrect about other things?
09:37 – I’m having an operation, is it appropriate to receive the anointing of the sick and an apostolic pardon?
16:57 – If the 1965 Mass in Latin with some vernacular was the true intention, what was their motivation with adding additional Eucharistic prayers?
23:28 – If ‘once saved always saved’ isn’t true, when does someone lose salvation?
38:15 – Which of the apostles were present at the crucifixion of Jesus?
46:32 – Is it definitive that we’ll have glorified bodies in heaven, but will those in hell also receive a form of glorified bodies?
50:50 – Why did God kill all the first born in Exodus and could He have gone about it in a different way that led to the freeing of the Israelites?

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