#10873 Open Forum - Karlo Broussard

Questions Covered:

04:37 – 1 John 5:13 says that we can know that we have eternal life. But Catholics say that we can’t know. It sounds like Catholics disagree with the Bible on this. Can we still perish even if we believe in Christ? 
17:15 – Why do Christian churches try to scare everybody into believing in hell? 
23:09 – Is it true that all Christians who are baptized technically have been exorcized? 
29:39 – I have trouble with the teaching that God’s authority over his creations makes it okay for him to kill them. Wouldn’t that make him pro-choice? 
42:38 – I see substitutionary atonement as very influential in pushing me towards atheism and I want to see if I’m understanding it correctly.   

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