#10871 Weird Halloween Questions - Jimmy Akin

Questions Covered:

02:54 – In Wales many claim Halloween came about because of the Celtic festival of Samhain. Is this true? When did All Saints begin? Does it predate Samhain? If not are the dates coincidental? Is this a case of “if the church chooses a date, it’s always going to coincide with something somewhere in the world?” 
09:05 – How would you address the deeply Catholic origins of the holiday and how those got twisted into what we have today? 
13:16 – What was your favorite Halloween candy when you were a child? And what was your favorite costume? 
19:45 – If I were to dress up as a Knight Templar for Halloween, putting on the habit of a knight of the order, would I be in violation of the Papal Bull Vox in Excelso, and thereby excommunicated? The bull suppressed the Order of the Temple, and specifically stated that anyone wearing the habit of the Order would be subject to laetae sentiae excommunication. 
28:18 – Jimmy, I’ve got a story that happened to me that I’d love your thoughts on: I went to a Benedictine Catholic liberal arts college in the mid-west. One night, during the week of Halloween, I was up late at night, 1am, working on a Russian history paper. I was in my dorm room, working with just my lamp on, and my roommate was asleep behind me on the bottom bunk. Suddenly, I hear him sit up. So I turn and look at him, and he looks at me with a weird, distant look on his face and says “You have something dead in your school…” I assume I misheard him, so I just say, “What?” “You have something dead in your school…” he says again. “WHAT!?” “You have something dead in your school…” At this point I reason that he’s very actively sleep talking, and I say as much. “You’re talking in your sleep, man. Go back to sleep.” He looks at me with an odd half-smirk, nods, and just lays back down and falls back into sleep. I think nothing else of this and go to bed after printing off my paper. I come to find out that at that same time as this took place, around 1 am, one of the monks at the abbey had passed. So…just a coincidence? Some sort of heralding? I’d love your thoughts… 
39:49 – Who’s the best Dracula? 
44:50 – Which does Jimmy feel is the better TV show- Addams Family or Munsters, and why? 
47:08 – Why do all the Star Wars force ghosts have to sit down when imparting lengthy advice to Luke? 
47:45 – My daughter Fiona wants to know if Annabelle the doll is really possessed by a demon? 
52:33 – What exactly are the differences between exorcisms and deliverances? How accurate are the depictions in movies overall; which movie/show is most accurate? Also, were any of the canonized saints ever possessed by a demon? 

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