#10863 Open Forum - Tim Staples

Questions Covered:

04:50 – Coming from your perspective of a convert, what are your thoughts on the pope’s recent appointment of the pro-abortion woman to one of the pontifical councils? 
13:07 – Did Jews of the 1st century regard Shaol as both a place of comfort and torment? 
15:59 – Why when Elizabeth was pregnant, was her husband punished but Mary wasn’t punished? 
20:52 – Mt. 28:20 How are we certain that “The end of the age” is a specific point in time? 
29:06 – Is it ok to practice centering prayer? 
36:42 – My Catholic friend wants to marry a convert who was civilly married in the past. The priests that they consulted said that she needs to seek an annulment. Is this true or are the priests misinforming them? 
44:28 – Colossians states that some rituals are no longer needed, and some practices are ok depending on intent. Can you help clarify what this means? 
50:06 – What is the purpose of the Pontifical Academy for Life? 

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