#10861 Open Forum - Jimmy Akin

Questions Covered:

06:12 – Since God is above time, are we currently in heaven or hell outside time with him?
13:40 – Could you elaborate on St. Augustine’s comments and perspective on the account of Genesis?
21:03 – Can you give an explanation why a protestant who fully embraces doctrinal matters still cannot receive communion?
28:55 “Catholics leave out the real second commandment from the Old Testament”
37:20 – My protestant/anti-Catholic wife is requiring contraception in our marriage. If I don’t go along with it, there’s a possibility that she’ll seek divorce. What should I do?
45:53 – Were there 3 days that were dropped from the Gregorian calendar? Was it a correction or a miscalculation?
51:09 Before St. Paul died, he said wolves would arrive. How do we know that these wolves are not the Church Fathers?

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