#10856 Open Forum - Joe Heschmeyer
Questions Covered:
05:46 – I’m non-Catholic and am inquiring more about Catholicism. What do I make of the pope and other cardinals and their interactions with leaders of other faiths?
16:41 – Do the souls in purgatory pray for us on earth before they get to heaven?
21:06 – Where in the bible and in the early Church writings does it say that we receive Jesus’ glorified body in the eucharist?
23:25 – Should I remain in the Church if we are all just Christians?
28:38 – If a bishop gets “fired” would he still have the authority to ordain others and administer the sacraments?
31:08 – Why don’t Catholics believe in predestination?
35:28 – An Episcopalian friend asked that if she believes that the Catholic priest consecrates the host, why can’t she receive communion?
40:33 – Why do we need Godparents to receive certain sacraments?
42:22 – How can someone know if they have been relieved from moral culpability due to addiction?
46:20 – What does the Church teach about agnostics who are seeking the truth but haven’t been convinced? Would they lose salvation?
48:55 – Were the people who lied to the Nazi’s about hiding Jews commit a mortal sin?
51:23 – An atheist friend claimed that there are 28 other figures that fit the exact mold of Christ. How do I respond to this? RESOURCE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ep-AN7U4OLg