#10854 Open Forum - Karlo Broussard
Questions Covered:
02:25 – If you get blessed before you die, do you go straight to heaven?
04:54 – In 1 Cor. 7, St Paul says no one should get married. Can you clarify what he meant?
11:39 – I’m Protestant. Regarding the process of the canonization of saints, and the qualification of bearing good fruit. I see this as flawed because some cultures like Wiccans claim to produce good fruit from worshipping Mary. How should the process be understood?
20:13 – What are your thoughts on the statement that people have a misunderstanding of Vatican 2 because local churches haven’t properly educated people and implemented the council?
28:58 – What separated the Catholics and the Orthodox?
33:31 – How does one discern when humor is sinful?
40:56 – Can the devil enter souls?
47:17 – At the last supper, did Jesus actually turn the bread and wine to his body and blood?
51:41 – What is the bible verse that Jesus says that his apostles are hearing what he’s saying but not listening?