#10853 Open Forum - Karlo Broussard

Questions Covered:

05:35 – In Genesis it says that there were wild and tame animals but there was no mention of tame and wild animals in the garden of Eden. Could you explain? 
08:08 – What’s the best historical evidence that the resurrection happened? 
15:42 – How do I correctly explain things to people online? 
20:41 – Could you explain the Calvinist idea of total depravity and compare it to the Catholic and Orthodox understanding of original sin? 
28:36 – What would you say to someone who says that Catholicism is only one form of Christianity? 
35:52 – I’ve come to disagree with a major Catholic teaching. What do I do and should I still be approaching communion? 
44:26 – Why do Catholics pray to Mary and not God? 

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