#10846 Ask a Priest - Fr. Samuel Keyes

Questions Covered:

02:50 – Is there salvation outside of the Church? 
07:02 – When the priest says, “please accept my offering… yours and mine” What offering am I supposed to offer at that time? 
14:36 – I’ve had priests tell me that interracial marriages aren’t valid. Is this true? 
16:10 – I’m Hispanic and married a white woman. My grandmother is racist against white people. Would I commit a mortal sin if I choose not to associate with her? 
18:14 – Could you give me advice on courtship and compatibility? How will I know when I’m called to marry a person? 
22:38 – Are the Son and Holy Spirit subordinate to the Father? 
29:11 – What is the best way to start a community in a Church? 
35:50 – Did Jesus consume the bread and wine during the last supper? 
42:34 – How do I respond to the question: Did God just create us to follow his rules and earn a reward at the end? 
49:53 – Why is my Lutheran wife not able to receive communion in the Catholic Church? Can I share the host with her when I get back to my pew? 

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