#10839 DIY Marriage Prep - Rose Sweet

Questions Covered:

19:15 – What advice would you give to a couple if one person doesn’t want intimacy and the other is depressed/despaired? How does one stay faithful in that regard?
24:22 – If someone was baptized Catholic, fell away from the church, and then got married in a protestant ceremony, is that marriage valid?
31:05 – My wife of 2 years and I went through marriage prep and married in the Catholic church, but she is 18 years older and her tubes are tied. I know I can’t be fruitful in having children, but can I be so in a different way?
34:45 – My parents, in their will, indicated their money would go to their children, and if the child passed, it’d go to the spouse and grandchildren. It is now my husband and I’s will to go to the spouse and children. Is it wrong to split up the money rather than giving it all to the spouse?
38:59 – My wife, before deciding to get married, decided to come to the Catholic faith. We were not married in the Catholic Church. She has now decided not to become Catholic. Is our marriage valid and/or lawful?
43:01 – I was born into a Catholic family but never really practiced. When I was 40, I married a woman in a courthouse who was married 3 times before. We were together for 6 months and split up. I just returned to the Church in March of last year. What is my standing in the Catholic Church?
46:36 – I was born and raised Catholic, was married to my ex-husband and we share 3 kids. He had an affair and I’ve been with my fiancé now for 12 years. He’s Baptist and said I don’t need an annulment and we can just get married in the Baptist church. I don’t want to go against the Catholic church so what do I need to do?
52:25 – I am widowed for 2.5 years after 30+ year marriage. I’ve just started dipping my toes into the dating scene, however, I feel like I’m paralyzed. Can you please give me some advice?

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