#10807 Is the Catholic Sexual Ethic Still Relevant? - Deborah Savage

Questions Covered:

22:14 – I found out a Catholic family member has an IUD. She said a priest told her it’s ok to use it to maintain her mental health. What can I do to guide her?
29:15 – Genesis explains that gender and day and night are binary. The opposition claims that since day and night are not actually binary because we have a sunrise and a sunset, this disproves that Genesis really doesn’t support a binary gender either. How do I respond to that argument?
34:22 – Do you have any thoughts on Stephen Fry’s debate on putting the Church on trial for being sex obsessed?
41:51 – Do people need to start focusing on preaching and education on sexual ethics in order to bring it to light. What are your thoughts?
47:42 – Is there hope for our culture to turn around?

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