#10801 Your Bible Questions - Jimmy Akin

Questions Covered:

03:34 – If saving faith can happen by calling out to the name of the Lord prior to baptism, is baptism just a substitute? 
11:27 – Revelation says that the Euphrates River would dry up at the end times. It’s drying up now. Is this a warning sign? 
19:50 – There’s a verse in the Old Testament that supports putting to death false prophets, witches, etc. Was this the reason they did that in the Middle Ages and what’s the church’s official teaching? 
24:54 – Why would the Lord regret something He did? 
33:47 – Is it likely that Joseph would have sped up his engagement process? Was she under reproach after the birth of Jesus? 
44:40 – Mark 11:22-24 If we really believe in something are we really going to have? 
51:38 – How did David offer sacrifice if it says that only members of Aaron’s family were allowed to offer sacrifice? 

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