#10778 Open Forum - Jimmy Akin

Questions Covered:

01:25 – Are we able to pray the rosary while driving with the aid of audio, or would we have to do it again later for it to be valid?
03:33 – When St. Paul was Saul and was persecuting the Christians, what gave him the authority to do what he did?
06:19 – My friend was Atheist and now Protestant, but she’s very hostile towards Catholicism. What would be a way to help her not be so hostile towards it?
11:09 – Can you obtain forgiveness for something you don’t truly regret?
13:45 – Are there limits on plenary indulgences and do they generally fall under binding?
18:33 – I recently have been meeting with Mormon missionaries and they use Ezekiel 37 to defend the Book of Mormon. Could you elaborate on this passage and why it does or doesn’t defend Mormonism?
23:15 – Would the Roman Pontiff be able to reinstitute the Tridentine Mass?
28:59 – Why does actual grace need to be present for good works to happen or at least be meritorious?
34:35 – Is it true that Judas was condemned to hell because of his actions towards Jesus?
40:54 – People point to Matthew 16:19 being the point at which Peter was given the keys. However, it says, “I will give you the keys”. Wouldn’t that mean he was going to be given the keys later?
46:56 – During mass, the priest at my church sometimes asks the congregation to extend their right arm towards a particular person they want to bless. Is that a licit thing to do? If not, how can I approach the priest in a charitable way about it?
50:26 – Is it ok to receive Communion on the tongue if it’s not from a priest?
52:18 – Is farming the ideal way for Catholics to get their food? What does the Catholic Church teach about mass food production and factory-made food?

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