#10761 Open Forum - Karlo Broussard
Questions Covered:
11:25 – What is the difference between the Father ‘begetting’ the Son and the Father ‘willing’ the Son?
22:18 – Which approved miracles could I use in conversation with an atheist when discussing evidence for God?
29:00 – Can you explain how the Sacraments work? Especially confession.
34:08 – In the bible there is a verse that says all you need is to believe in Jesus. But Catholics think baptism saves you. How do you reconcile these two things?
36:59 – In an emergency can a non-Catholic confess their sins to a priest?
43:24 – Who were the elders in the early Church and what is their equivalent today?
48:26 – Why is Lucifer’s name changed to Satan? What’s the meaning of the name?