#10760 Can Church Teaching Change? - Michael Lofton
Questions Covered:
13:07 – How do I as a non-Catholic understand the issues going on in Germany and the changes with the Synodal way?
16:06 – How do we distinguish the similarities and differences between the development of doctrine of Catholicism and the explication of doctrine as understood by the Orthodox?
19:56 – What do you think about the changes the Church made about slavery? It used to endorse it and now it doesn’t.
32:12 – How can the Church change to get rid of clericalism and embrace the Gospel?
35:50 – Is the role of the Church to preserve the traditions of the Church of the times of the apostles or can this also be applied to later traditions
43:13 – Is the teaching on contraception definitive?
48:45 – Did the Church change its teaching on limbo and where aborted babies go?