#10742 Open Forum - Jimmy Akin

Questions Covered:

03:15 – How can I explain confession to a non-denominational friend?
11:06 – Has the Church formally declared that the Fatima events were genuine?
13:50 – How was Jesus heard in the sermon on the mount if there were thousands of people?
20:00 – Will those who are still alive during the end time have to experience death?
21:40 – Where in the gospel does it address cohabitation?
24:27 – If we cannot see God face to face but we can see Jesus face, does that mean we can see his face?
28:49 – I’m in a debate with friends. Is our solar system geocentric or heliocentric? What are your thoughts?
36:17 – Was Peter’s profession of faith the real rock that Jesus built his Church upon?
44:10 – What is a synod? What is the synod on synodality?
47:20 – Is there any occasion where the creed can be omitted from Mass?
47:07 – In the Old Testament, two prophets were assumed into heaven, where did they go if the gates of heaven weren’t open?
52:00 – What do you think of the illumination of conscience that many saints have prophesied and foretold?

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