#10740 Accompanying Those with Same-Sex Attraction - Rilene Simpson

Questions Covered:

10:43 – What do you think about Catholic organizations promoting homosexuality? 
13:28 – How do you handle a response from Catholics who prop up priests who promote that lifestyle? 
18:07 – How do I share my Faith with people and show them that there are good people who also struggle with same sex attraction? 
24:29 – Should I attend a gay wedding that I was invited to? 
33:08 – If I send a baby shower gift to a nephew and his gay partner who adopted be taken as promoting gay adoption? 
42:48 – I’m bisexual and my wife knows that. I was almost married to a man. How would my spiritual life have been different if I had taken that path? 
47:44 – I’m not Catholic, do Catholics have the same reservations about attending gay weddings as they do with 2nd weddings, cohabitating couples’ weddings etc.? Resource: https://ruthinstitute.org/ 

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