#10733 Open Forum - Jimmy Akin

Questions Covered:

04:11 – Regarding the Vatican 2 document on Ecumenism on point 7 of chapter 2: Why are they asking for forgiveness in the Church haven’t done anything wrong? 
08:45 – Is taking symbolic communion better than taking no communion at all? 
14:00 – The bible says you must believe in Jesus to have salvation. What exactly does “believe” mean? How do we get saved? 
21:38 When was the post-exilic period? What’s the Catholic perspective on this time in history? 
29:00 – What is the best way to start a conversation about faith with an agnostic? 
32:56 – What is the significance of Jesus handing Peter the keys? Is there a lineage? 
36:33 – Can you help clarify what happens in mass when the priest places his hands over the bread and wine? Also, why does he lean forward during the consecration almost speaking into the host/chalice? 
43:20 – Is it possible to have perfect contrition and imperfect contrition at the same time? 
45:05 – What are your thoughts on the idea that not all of us are children of God? That only those baptized are his children. I know This might go against V2. 
50:05 – I’m about to start RCIA and wanted to know your thoughts on the NAB bible translation? 

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