#10734 Open Forum - Jim Blackburn
Questions Covered:
4:27 – What’s the Church’s teaching on cannibalism in extreme circumstances? Is it ever ethical?
11:50 – Regarding the teaching on following your conscience, how could one do so if you’re highly scrupulous? What is the Church’s approach when it comes to mental illness?
20:40 – Can you clarify why there are different perspectives on Old Testament covenants and why some say the signs are different? The Mosaic covenant is either the 10 commandments vs Passover. The Davidic: Throne vs Temple
29:20 – Is our concupiscence a result of our free will? If Adam and Eve had not sinned, would someone else have sinned?
36:50 Since Covid, we haven’t been able to consume communion from the chalice. Does this mean we aren’t receiving the blood of Jesus?
42:27 – Why don’t we as Catholics focus on baptism of the Holy Spirit? The Charismatic renewal has been focusing on this for 50 years now.
48:07 – Do Catholics follow the sabbath? How do you reconcile this with Isaiah 66:22-23?
52:30 – If someone is baptized with Trinitarian formula but doesn’t believe in the Trinity, is it a valid baptism?