#10725 Your Bible Questions - Jimmy Akin

Questions Covered:

4:16 – What is the biblical evidence for guardian angels?  
06:42 – Is the Trinity incestual because it implies that Mary is both mother and bride? 
11:44 – Is it possible that St. Clement wrote Hebrews? 
14:42 – What accounts for the difference in the treatment of the apostles between Herod and his son Herod?   
20:25 – Do novenas have their origin in the preparation for the time of Pentecost? 
28:53 – Before I formed you in the womb. I knew you Jer. 1:5. With that in mind, when was the soul created? 
33:00 – Why do we say in the creed, “Jesus suffered under Pontius Pilot” when Pilot did everything he could not to harm Jesus? 
36:34 – Why are the KJV and Catholic version of the Our Father different? Why did we add the ending into the Catholic Liturgy? 
43:28 – What did Jesus mean when he said, “Easier for a camel to enter through the eye of the needle”? 

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